A deep yellow colour, resembling the metal gold.
A heavy yellow elemental metal of great value, with atomic number 79 and symbol Au.
A grill (jewellery worn on front teeth) made of gold.
The bullseye of an archery target.
A coin or coinage made of this material, or supposedly so.
A gold medal.
Anything or anyone that is very valuable.
☉ (alchemy)
In a finished state, ready for manufacturing.
Of a musical recording: having sold 500,000 copies.
Made of gold.
Premium, superior.
Having the colour of gold.
To appear or cause to appear golden.
of or referring to a gold version of something
The gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.
Of gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms.
Connects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc., each of which could make a passage true.
Otherwise (a consequence of the condition that the previous is false).
Connects two equivalent names.
An operator denoting the disjunction of two propositions or truth values. There are two forms, the inclusive or and the exclusive or.
Counts the elements before and after as two possibilities.
Before; ere. Followed by "ever" or "ere".