Production; quantity produced, created, or completed.
The flow rate of body liquids such as blood and urine.
Data sent out of the computer, as to output device such as a monitor or printer, or data sent from one program on the computer to another.
The amount of power produced by a particular system.
To send data out of a computer, as to an output device such as a monitor or printer, or to send data from one program on the computer to another.
To produce, create, or complete.
The final product, beneficial or tangible effect(s) achieved by effort.
That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect.
The final score in a game.
The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.
A positive or favourable outcome for someone.
To have as a consequence; to lead to; to bring about
To return to the proprietor (or heirs) after a reversion.
To proceed, spring up or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought or endeavor.
An exclamation of joy following a favorable outcome.