Above the ground
Living or taking place in the air.
Pertaining to the air or atmosphere; atmospheric.
Made up of air or gas; gaseous.
Positioned high up; elevated.
Ethereal, insubstantial; imaginary.
Pertaining to a vehicle which travels through the air; airborne; relating to or conducted by means of aircraft.
A rod, wire, or other structure for receiving or transmitting radio, television signals etc.
A move, as in dancing or skateboarding, involving one or both feet leaving the ground.
An aerial photograph.
located above, especially over the head
kicked over one's own head
Data or steps of computation used only to facilitate the computations in the system and not directly related to the actual program code or data being processed.
Any cost or expenditure (monetary, time, effort or otherwise) incurred in a project or activity, which does not directly contribute to its progress or outcome.
Wasted money.
An overhead projector.
A sheet of transparent material with an image used with an overhead projector; an overhead transparency.
The expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided.
The items or classes of expense not directly assigned to goods or services provided.
The ceiling of any enclosed space below decks in a vessel.
The system of overhead wires used to power electric transport, such as streetcars, trains, or buses.
A compartment above the seats for stowing luggage in a passenger aircraft.
An overhead throw.
A smash.
Above one's head; in the sky.