A basic conceptual structure.
The larger branches of a tree that determine its shape.
A reusable piece of code (and, sometimes, other utilities) providing a standard environment within which an application can be implemented.
These ‘three principles of connexion’ compose the framework of principles in Hume's account of the association of ideas.
The arrangement of support beams that represent a building's general shape and size.
A support structure comprising joined parts or conglomerated particles and intervening open spaces of similar or larger size.
A characteristic or feature that distinguishes something from others.
An input variable of a function definition, that gets an actual value (argument) at execution time.
The ratio of the three crystallographic axes which determines the position of any plane.
A variable that describes some system (material, object, event, etc.) or some aspect thereof.
The fundamental axial ratio for a given species.
An actual value given to such a formal parameter.
A variable of a model that is trained by a machine learning algorithm.
A value kept constant during an experiment, equation, calculation, or similar, but varied over other versions of the experiment, equation, calculation, etc.
Any measured quantity of a statistical population that summarises or describes an aspect of the population.
In the ellipse and hyperbola, a third proportional to any diameter and its conjugate, or in the parabola, to any abscissa and the corresponding ordinate.