An actual value given to such a formal parameter.
An input variable of a function definition, that gets an actual value (argument) at execution time.
The ratio of the three crystallographic axes which determines the position of any plane.
A characteristic or feature that distinguishes something from others.
A variable that describes some system (material, object, event, etc.) or some aspect thereof.
The fundamental axial ratio for a given species.
A variable of a model that is trained by a machine learning algorithm.
A value kept constant during an experiment, equation, calculation, or similar, but varied over other versions of the experiment, equation, calculation, etc.
Any measured quantity of a statistical population that summarises or describes an aspect of the population.
In the ellipse and hyperbola, a third proportional to any diameter and its conjugate, or in the parabola, to any abscissa and the corresponding ordinate.
A rate or tax set by a precept.
An order issued by one local authority to another specifying the rate of tax to be charged on its behalf.
A rule or principle, especially one governing personal conduct.
A written command, especially a demand for payment.
To act as a preceptor; to teach a physician-in-training by supervising their clinical practice.