To (gently) tap the flat of one's hand on a person or thing.
To stroke or fondle (an animal).
To hit lightly and repeatedly with the flat of the hand to make smooth or flat
To gently rain.
A flattish lump of soft matter, especially butter or dung.
The sound of a light slap or tap with a soft flat object, especially of a footstep
A light tap or slap, especially with the hands
Opportunely, in a timely or suitable way.
Exactly suitable, fitting, apt; timely, convenient, opportune, ready for the occasion; especially of things spoken.
Trite, being superficially complete, lacking originality.
To ask (somebody) to do something.
To ask for (something).
A message sent over a network to a server.
Act of requesting (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).
Condition of being sought after.
A formal message requesting something.