To take part in a picnic.
An easy or pleasant task.
An informal social gathering, usually in a natural outdoor setting, to which the participants bring their own food and drink.
The meal eaten at such a gathering.
A cut of pork from the shoulder area (above the front leg) of a pig.
To burn herbs as a cleansing ritual (suffumigation).
To subject to ritual burning of herbs (suffumigation, smudging).
To stifle or smother with smoke.
To soil or smear with dirt.
To obscure by blurring; to smear.
To use dense smoke to protect from insects.
Dense smoke, such as that used for fumigation.
A quantity of herbs used in suffumigation.
A heap of damp combustibles partially ignited and burning slowly, placed on the windward side of a house, tent, etc. to keep off mosquitoes or other insects.
A blemish or smear, especially a dark or sooty one.