An asset or useful addition.
A positive quantity.
A plus sign: +.
Electrically positive.
Being positive rather than negative or zero.
(Of a quantity) Equal to or greater than; or more; upwards.
Positive, or involving advantage.
To add; to subject to addition.
To increase the potency of a remedy by diluting it in water and stirring.
To provide critical feedback by giving suggestions for improvement rather than criticisms.
To sell additional related items with an original purchase.
To increase in magnitude.
To increase a correction.
To frame in a positive light; to provide a sympathetic interpretation.
To improve.
And; sum of the previous one and the following one.
With; having in addition.
And also; in addition; besides (which).
An addition.
The situation where a student who holds a qualification equivalent to part of a degree course is then accepted onto a degree course at an intermediate point, without having to start it from the beginning.
Additional credit purchased for a mobile phone.
An additional premium paid over the initial premium in order to increase benefit values.
A serving of drink used to top up an existing glass.
A dose of epidural anesthetic added to previously injected spinal anesthetic in combined spinal-epidural anesthesia
That serves as an addition