Said of an aircraft: to make a series of plunges when taking off or landing; or of a watercraft: to successively plunge up and down in the water.
Said of an air-breathing aquatic animal such as a porpoise or penguin: To repeatedly jump out of the water to take a breath and dive back in a continuous motion.
Any small dolphin.
A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales.
To remain aloft by means of a glider or other unpowered aircraft.
To rise, especially rapidly or unusually high.
To mount upward on wings, or as on wings, especially by gliding while employing rising air currents.
To rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood.
To fly high with little effort, like a bird.
The act of soaring.
An upward flight.