A model or type of machinery or device which precedes the current (or later) one. Usually used to describe an earlier, outdated model.
One who precedes; one who has preceded another in any state, position, office, etc.; one whom another follows or comes after, in any office or position.
A vertex having a directed path to another vertex
Short-term; temporary.
Filling a gap or pause.
To stop up or fill (a physical gap or hole, or a hiatus).
To use something as a short-term fix or temporary measure until a better alternative can be obtained.
To work at a position temporarily until a permanent appointment or hire is made.
That which stops up or fills a gap or hole.
Something spoken to fill up an uncomfortable pause in speech; a filled pause or filler.
A short-term fix or temporary measure used until something better can be obtained; that which serves as an expedient in an emergency; a band-aid solution.
A person appointed or hired to fill a position temporarily until a permanent appointment or hire can be made; a temp.