nerve vs presumption


  • Courage; boldness; audacity; gall. 

  • A neuron. 

  • The elastic resistance of raw rubber or other polymers to permanent deformation during processing. 

  • mental agitation caused by fear, stress or other negative emotions. 

  • A vein in a leaf; a grain in wood. 

  • Patience; stamina; endurance, fortitude. 

  • A bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics. 

  • One's neural structures considered collectively as, and conceptually equated with, one's psyche; 

  • May their example nerve us to face the enemy. 

  • To give strength; to supply energy or vigour. 

  • To give courage. 


  • the belief of something based upon reasonable evidence, or upon something known to be true 

  • the condition upon which something is presumed 

  • the act of presuming, or something presumed 

  • An inference that a trier of fact is either permitted or required to draw under certain factual circumstances (as prescribed by statute or case law) unless the party against whom the inference is drawn is able to rebut it with admissible, competent evidence. 

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