To shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour; to deviate from the truth; to evade the truth; to waffle or be (intentionally) ambiguous.
To undertake something falsely and deceitfully, with the purpose of defeating or destroying it.
To collude, as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution.
To change one's position; to shift ground; to evade questions; to resort to equivocation; to prevaricate.
To put in a random order.
To remove or introduce by artificial confusion.
To shove one way and the other; to push from one to another.
To change; modify the order of something.
To move in a slovenly, dragging manner; to drag or scrape the feet in walking or dancing.
To use arts or expedients; to make shift.
An instance of walking without lifting one's feet.
The act of shuffling cards.
A rhythm commonly used in blues music. Consists of a series of triplet notes with the middle note missing, so that it sounds like a long note followed by a short note. Sounds like a walker dragging one foot.
The act of reordering anything, such as music tracks in a media player.
A dance move in which the foot is scuffed across the floor back and forth.
A trick; an artifice; an evasion.