pride and joy vs transport

pride and joy

  • A possession that is very highly valued. 


  • A vehicle used to transport (passengers, mail, freight, troops etc.) 

  • The state of being transported by emotion; rapture. 

  • An act of transporting; conveyance. 

  • A tractor-trailer. 

  • A deported convict. 

  • A device that moves recording tape across the read/write heads of a tape recorder or video recorder etc. 

  • The system of transporting passengers, etc. in a particular region; the vehicles used in such a system. 

  • To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey. 

  • To deport to a penal colony. 

  • To move (someone) to strong emotion; to carry away. 

How often have the words pride and joy and transport occurred in a corpus of books? (source: Google Ngram Viewer )