An introductory text on any subject, particularly basic concepts.
A layer of such a substance.
A prayer or devotional book intended for laity, initially an abridgment of the breviary and manual including the hours of the Virgin Mary, 15 gradual and 7 penitential psalms, the litany, the placebo and dirige forming the office of the dead, and the commendations.
Any of various similar works issued in England for private prayer in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer.
An elementary school class; an elementary school student. (No longer used.)
A molecule which initiates the synthesis of an enzyme, (especially) a single-stranded nucleic acid molecule which initiates DNA replication.
A pheromone which interacts first with the endocrine system.
Any substance or device, such as priming wire or blasting cap, used to ignite gunpowder or other explosive.
A children's book intended to teach literacy: how to read, write, and spell.
A layer of makeup that goes beneath the foundation; undermakeup.
A substance used to prime wood, metal, etc. in preparation for painting.
A device used to prime an internal combustion engine with gasoline, (especially) in airplanes.
A person who prunes trees.
A speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel.
A component of a computer program that prepares the computer to execute a routine.