To spread from person to person; to extend the knowledge of; to originate and spread; to carry from place to place; to disseminate.
To cause to take effect on all relevant devices in a network.
To produce young; to be produced or multiplied by generation, or by new shoots or plants.
To cause to spread to extend; to impel or continue forward in space.
To cause to continue or multiply by generation, or successive production.
To generate; to produce.
To take effect on all relevant devices in a network.
To spread abroad; to propagate.
To scatter over; to besprinkle.
To scatter, disperse, or plant (seeds).
A mass of metal solidified in a mold.
A sowbug.
A female bear, she-bear.
A contemptible, often fat woman.
A female guinea pig.
A channel that conducts molten metal to molds.
A kind of covered shed, formerly used by besiegers in filling up and passing the ditch of a besieged place, sapping and mining the wall, etc.
A female pig.