Interested in, or concentrating on local events or matters; parochial or provincial.
A person with local attitudes or interests.
One who subscribes to localism, the belief that language functions are localized to various parts of the brain.
One who subscribes to localism, an approach to understanding expressions in terms of position and movement.
Of or pertaining to a province.
Not cosmopolitan; backwoodsy, hick, yokelish, countrified; not polished; rude
Narrow; illiberal.
Constituting a province.
Limited in outlook; narrow.
Exhibiting the ways or manners of a province; characteristic of the inhabitants of a province.
Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province, or to the jurisdiction of an archbishop; not ecumenical.
A country bumpkin.
A person belonging to a province; one who is provincial.
A monastic superior, who, under the general of his order, has the direction of all the religious houses of the same fraternity in a given district, called a province of the order.