A gemstone made from this mineral.
The entire field of play used in the game.
The polyiamond made up of two triangles.
A card of the diamonds suit.
Something that resembles a diamond.
A rhombus, especially when oriented so that its longer axis is vertical.
A ring containing a diamond.
A very pale blue color.
The infield of a baseball field.
A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron.
First-rate; excellent.
of, relating to, or being a sixtieth anniversary.
of, relating to, or being a seventy-fifth anniversary.
made of, or containing diamond, a diamond or diamonds.
to adorn with or as if with diamonds
The most abundant mineral on the earth's surface, of chemical composition silicon dioxide, SiO₂. It occurs in a variety of forms, both crystalline and amorphous. Found in every environment.
Crystal meth: methamphetamine hydrochloride.