To make a fuss, complain; to shout.
To bring into existence; (sometimes in particular:)
In theatre, to be the first performer of a role; to originate a character.
To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute.
To cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion.
To make or produce from other (e.g. raw, unrefined or scattered) materials or combinable elements or ideas; to design or invest with a new form, shape, function, etc.
To be or do something creative, imaginative, originative.
To bring into existence out of nothing, without the prior existence of the materials or elements used.
To complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner.
To contest, especially some trivial issue in a petty manner.
An objection or argument based on an ambiguity of wording or similar trivial circumstance; a minor complaint.