To treat with quicklime.
Calcium oxide, which is produced by heating (calcining) limestone and gives slaked lime on treatment with water.
To exhaust the vitality of.
To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.
To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
To gradually weaken.
To strike with a sap (with a blackjack).
To pierce with saps.
To drain, suck or absorb from (tree, etc.).
A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.
The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
A naive person; a simpleton
Any juice.
A short wooden club; a leather-covered hand weapon; a blackjack.