A degree or level of something; a position within a scale; a degree of quality.
A slope (up or down) of a roadway or other passage
Performance on a test or other evaluation(s), expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol; a score.
An area that has been flattened by a grader (construction machine).
In a linear system of divisors on an n-dimensional variety, the number of free intersection points of n generic divisors.
A harsh scraping or cutting; a grating.
A rating.
A taxon united by a level of morphological or physiological complexity that is not a clade.
A level of primary and secondary education.
A gradian.
An eyeglass prescription.
The degree of malignity of a tumor expressed on a scale.
Degree (any of the three stages (positive, comparative, superlative) in the comparison of an adjective or an adverb).
The level of the ground.
A student of a particular grade (used with the grade level).
To describe, modify or inflect so as to classify as to degree.
To pass imperceptibly from one grade into another.
To pass from one school grade into the next.
To assign scores to the components of an academic test, or to overall academic performance.
To flatten, level, or smooth a large surface, especially with a grader.
To remove or trim part of a seam allowance from a finished seam so as to reduce bulk and make the finished piece more even when turned right side out.
To apply classifying labels to data (typically by a manual rather than automatic process).
To organize in grades.
The level of one's position in a class-based society.
A hierarchical level in an organization such as the military.
One of the eight horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those identified by a number).
The maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix.
The maximum quantity of D-linearly independent elements of a module (over an integral domain D).
The size of any basis of a given matroid.
One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality.
The dimensionality of an array (computing) or tensor.
In a pipe organ, a set of pipes of a certain quality for which each pipe corresponds to one key or pedal.
A level in a scientific taxonomy system.
A category of people, such as those who share an occupation or belong to an organisation.
A row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers.
To have a ranking.
To place abreast, or in a line.
To take rank of; to outrank.
To assign a suitable place in a class or order; to classify.
Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.
Complete, used as an intensifier (usually negative, referring to incompetence).
Strong to the senses; offensive; noisome.
Having a very strong and bad taste or odor.
Causing strong growth; producing luxuriantly; rich and fertile.
Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy; plethoric.
Strong of its kind or in character; unmitigated; virulent; thorough; utter (used of negative things).
Gross, disgusting.