A statement of one's motives, or of the causes of some event.
The concealment of true motivation in some non-threatening way.
The process or result of rationalizing.
The simplification of an expression without changing its value.
A reorganization of a company or organization in order to improve its efficiency.
A reaction to a stimulus or provocation.
An oracular answer.
A reply to an objection in formal disputation.
An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.
A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection; a respond or responsory.
The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.
An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL.
A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant.