To reproduce or closely resemble (as in structure or function).
(biology, of an organism) To mirror or repeat in analogous form, especially in reference to an individual's development passing through stages corresponding to the species' stages of evolutionary development.
To summarize or repeat in concise form.
To draw (an extended body part) back into the body.
To avert (one's eyes or a gaze).
To decline or fail to do something promised; to break one's word.
To pull (something) back or back inside.
Of something said or written (such as published academic work): to take back or withdraw.
To take back or withdraw (something that has been said or written); to disavow, to repudiate.
Originally in chess and now in other games as well: to take back or undo (a move); specifically (card games) to take back or withdraw (a card which has been played).
To break or fail to keep (a promise, etc.); to renege.
To draw back; to draw up; to withdraw.
To pronounce (a sound, especially a vowel) farther to the back of the vocal tract.
To cancel or take back (something, such as an edict or a favour or grant previously bestowed); to rescind, to revoke.