To look or feel sad, sullen or despondent.
To be dark or gloomy.
To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer.
To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken.
Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness.
A depressing, despondent, or melancholic atmosphere.
A drying oven used in gunpowder manufacture.
Darkness, dimness, or obscurity.
To feel sorry about (any thing).
To feel sorry about (a thing that has or has not happened), afterthink: to wish that a thing had not happened, that something else had happened instead.
Emotional pain on account of something done or experienced in the past, with a wish that it had been different; a looking back with dissatisfaction or with longing.
The amount of avoidable loss that results from choosing the wrong action.