free vs reserve


  • The usual means of restarting play after a foul is committed, where the non-offending team restarts from where the foul was committed. 

  • A free transfer. 

  • To make free; set at liberty; release. 

  • To rid of something that confines or oppresses. 

  • To relinquish (previously allocated memory) to the system. 

  • Of a rocket or missile: not under the control of a guidance system after being launched. 

  • Thrown open, or made accessible, to all; to be enjoyed without limitations; unrestricted; not obstructed, engrossed, or appropriated; open; said of a thing to be possessed or enjoyed. 

  • Without obligations. 

  • With no or only freedom-preserving limitations on distribution or modification. 

  • Without; not containing (what is specified); exempt; clear; liberated. 

  • Privileged or individual; the opposite of common. 

  • (of a morpheme) That can be used by itself, unattached to another morpheme. 

  • Unconstrained. 

  • Unobstructed, without blockages. 

  • Unattached or uncombined. 

  • Not imprisoned or enslaved. 

  • Unconstrained by quantifiers. 

  • Not attached; loose. 

  • Unconstrained of identifiers, not bound. 

  • Not arbitrary or despotic; assuring liberty; defending individual rights against encroachment by any person or class; instituted by a free people; said of a government, institutions, etc. 

  • Unconstrained by timidity or distrust 

  • Intended for release, as opposed to a checked version. 

  • complimentary 

  • Unconstrained by relators. 

  • Obtainable without any payment. 

  • Generous; liberal. 

  • Not currently in use; not taken; unoccupied. 

  • Without needing to pay. 


  • A member of a team who does not participate from the start of the game, but can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates. 

  • A reserve price in an auction. 

  • Wine held back and aged before being sold. 

  • A body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency. 

  • Absence of color or decoration; the state of being left plain. 

  • The act of reserving or keeping back; reservation; exception. 

  • A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose 

  • A resist. 

  • Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior. 

  • A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit. 

  • In exhibitions, a distinction indicating that the recipient will get a prize in the event of another person being disqualified. 

  • A tract of land set apart for the use of an Aboriginal group; Indian reserve (compare US reservation.) 

  • Funds kept on hand to meet planned or unplanned financial requirements. 

  • A group or pile of cards dealt out at the beginning of a patience or solitaire game to be used during play. 

  • A natural resource known to exist but not currently exploited. 

  • To keep back; to retain. 

  • To book in advance; to make a reservation. 

  • To keep in store for future or special use. 

How often have the words free and reserve occurred in a corpus of books? (source: Google Ngram Viewer )