reserve vs reverse


  • The act of reserving or keeping back; reservation; exception. 

  • A reserve price in an auction. 

  • Wine held back and aged before being sold. 

  • A body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle, reserved to support the other lines as occasion may require; a force or body of troops kept for an exigency. 

  • Absence of color or decoration; the state of being left plain. 

  • A tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose 

  • A resist. 

  • Restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior. 

  • A preparation used on an object being electroplated to fix the limits of the deposit. 

  • In exhibitions, a distinction indicating that the recipient will get a prize in the event of another person being disqualified. 

  • A member of a team who does not participate from the start of the game, but can be used to replace tired or injured team-mates. 

  • A tract of land set apart for the use of an Aboriginal group; Indian reserve (compare US reservation.) 

  • Funds kept on hand to meet planned or unplanned financial requirements. 

  • A group or pile of cards dealt out at the beginning of a patience or solitaire game to be used during play. 

  • A natural resource known to exist but not currently exploited. 

  • To keep back; to retain. 

  • To book in advance; to make a reservation. 

  • To keep in store for future or special use. 


  • The act of going backwards; a reversal. 

  • A thrust in fencing made with a backward turn of the hand; a backhanded stroke. 

  • The opposite of something. 

  • The gear setting of an automobile that makes it travel backwards. 

  • The tails side of a coin, or the side of a medal or badge that is opposite the obverse. 

  • A turn or fold made in bandaging, by which the direction of the bandage is changed. 

  • A piece of misfortune; a setback. 

  • The side of something facing away from a viewer, or from what is considered the front; the other side. 

  • To transpose the positions of two things. 

  • To engage reverse thrust on (an engine). 

  • To cause a mechanism or a vehicle to operate or move in the opposite direction to normal. 

  • To turn something around so that it faces the opposite direction or runs in the opposite sequence. 

  • To revoke a law, or to change a decision into its opposite. 

  • To change totally; to alter to the opposite. 

  • To place (a set of points) in the reverse position. 

  • To change the direction of a reaction such that the products become the reactants and vice-versa. 

  • To move from the normal position to the reverse position. 

  • To overthrow; to subvert. 

  • To turn something inside out or upside down. 

  • Pertaining to engines, vehicle movement etc. moving in a direction opposite to the usual direction. 

  • Turned upside down; greatly disturbed. 

  • In which cDNA synthetization is obtained from an RNA template. 

  • Reversed. 

  • Opposite, contrary; going in the opposite direction. 

  • To be in the non-default position; to be set for the lesser-used route. 

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