A reward or other expression or token of gratitude.
The act of a person admitting a child as their own.
A response (ACK) sent by a receiver to indicate successful receipt of a transmission (See Wikipedia article on transmission).
A recognition as genuine or valid; an avowing or admission in legal form.
The act of recognizing in a particular character or relationship; recognition of existence, authority, truth, or genuineness.
A formal statement or document recognizing the fulfillment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure.
An expression of gratitude for a benefit or an obligation.
A message from the addressee informing the originator that the originator's communication has been received and understood.
The act of acknowledging
An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.
An oracular answer.
A reply to an objection in formal disputation.
A versicle or anthem said or sung during or after a lection; a respond or responsory.
The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.
An online advertising performance metric representing one click-through from an online ad to its destination URL.
A verse, sentence, phrase, or word said or sung by the choir or congregation in sequence or reply to the priest or officiant.
A reaction to a stimulus or provocation.