To desist in doing, practicing, following, holding, or adhering to; to turn away from; to permit to lapse; to renounce; to discontinue.
To no longer exercise a right, title, or interest, especially with no interest of reclaiming it again; to yield; to relinquish.
To give up or relinquish control of, to surrender or to give oneself over, or to yield to one's emotions.
To leave behind; to desert, as in a ship, a position, or a person, typically in response to overwhelming odds or impending dangers; to forsake, in spite of a duty or responsibility.
To surrender to the insurer (an insured item), so as to claim a total loss.
A yielding to natural impulses or inhibitions; freedom from artificial constraint, with loss of appreciation of consequences.
To hold back (a pupil) instead of allowing them to advance to the next class or year.
To employ by paying a retainer.
To keep in one's pay or service.
To keep in possession or use.
To hold secure.