To acquire from another by theft or force: to steal, to rob.
To release from chemical bonds or solutions.
To acquire from an enemy during wartime, used especially of cities, regions, and other population centers.
To release from servitude or unjust rule.
To release from slavery: to manumit.
To release from restraint or inhibition.
To search with intent to steal; to ransack, pillage or plunder.
To quickly search through many items (such as papers, the contents of a drawer, a pile of clothing). (See also riffle)
To move in a flat ballistic trajectory (as a rifle bullet).
To seize and bear away by force; to snatch away; to carry off.
To commit robbery or theft.
To strip of goods; to rob; to pillage.
To cause (a projectile, as a rifle bullet) to travel in a flat ballistic trajectory.
To add a spiral groove to a gun bore to make a fired bullet spin in flight in order to improve range and accuracy.
An artillery piece with a rifled barrel.
A firearm fired from the shoulder; improved range and accuracy is provided by a long, rifled barrel.
A strip of wood covered with emery or a similar material, used for sharpening scythes.