Malicious or malevolent intention.
A plan (with more or less detail) for the structure and functions of an artifact, building or system.
A pattern, as an element of a work of art or architecture.
The art of designing
The shape or appearance given to an object, especially one that is intended to make it more attractive.
The composition of a work of art.
A specification of an object or process, referring to requirements to be satisfied and thus conditions to be met for them to solve a problem.
Intention or plot.
To plan and carry out (a picture, work of art, construction etc.).
To manifest requirements to be satisfied by an object or process for them to solve a problem.
A possible adverse event or outcome.
A borrower (such as a mortgage-holder or person with a credit card).
An entity insured by an insurer.
The potential negative effect of an event, determined by multiplying the likelihood of the event occurring with its magnitude should it occur.
The magnitude of possible loss consequent to a decision or event.
The probability of a negative outcome to a decision or event.
A type of adverse event covered under an insurance policy.
A financial product (typically an investment).
A thing (from the perspective of how likely or unlikely it is to cause an adverse effect).
To incur risk as a result of (doing something).
To incur risk of harming or jeopardizing.
To incur risk of (something).