Official permission; authorisation to act in some capacity on behalf of a ruling entity.
A reliable, definitive source of information on a subject.
Persons, regarded collectively, who occupy official positions of power; police or law enforcement.
A government-owned agency that runs a revenue-generating activity for public benefit.
Status as a trustworthy source of information, reputation for mastery or expertise; or claim to such status or reputation.
Power or right to make or enforce rules or give orders; or a position having such power or right.
An approval, by an authority, generally one that makes something valid.
A penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance; especially one adopted by several nations, or by an international body.
A law, treaty, or contract, or a clause within a law, treaty, or contract, specifying any of the above.
To penalize (a state etc.) with sanctions.
To ratify; to make valid.
To give official authorization or approval to; to countenance.