A person who prepares food.
The degree or quality of cookedness of food
One who manufactures certain illegal drugs, especially meth.
A fish, the European striped wrasse, Labrus mixtus.
The head cook of a manor house
A session of manufacturing certain illegal drugs, especially meth.
To tamper with or alter; to cook up.
To play or improvise in an inspired and rhythmically exciting way. (From 1930s jive talk.)
To concoct or prepare.
To play music vigorously.
To execute by electric chair.
To prepare food for eating by heating it, often combining with other ingredients.
To be uncomfortably hot.
To be cooked.
To hold on to a grenade briefly after igniting the fuse, so that it explodes almost immediately after being thrown.
In a large professional kitchen, a cook responsible for preparing sauces and for sauteing foods on demand.
sauce boat (a pitcher, dish, or, bowl, used to serve sauce)
A bowl-shaped pan used for sauces and other cookery.
sauce pan (a pan used to cook up a sauce)