Not full, large, or plentiful; scarcely sufficient; scanty; meager.
Sparing; parsimonious; chary.
To fail, or become less; to scantle.
To limit in amount or share; to stint.
Very little, very few.
A sheet of stone.
Scarcity; lack.
A small piece or quantity.
A slightly thinner measurement of a standard wood size.
A block of stone sawn on two sides down to the bed level.
Not thorough or detailed.
Because he is so sketchy, I always think that he is up to something.
Disturbing or unnerving, often in such a way that others may suspect them of intending physical or sexual harm or harassment.
Roughly or hastily laid out; intended for later refinement.
Resembling a comedy sketch, of sketch quality.
Of questionable or doubtful quality.
Suspected of taking part in illicit or dishonorable dealings.