To excite scruples in; to cause to scruple.
To hesitate or be reluctant to act due to considerations of conscience or expedience.
To regard with suspicion; to question.
Hesitation to act from the difficulty of determining what is right or expedient; doubt, hesitation or unwillingness due to motives of conscience.
A weight of ¹⁄₂₈₈ of a pound, that is, twenty grains or one third of a dram, about 1.3 grams (symbol: ℈).
A Hebrew unit of time equal to ¹⁄₁₀₈₀ hour.
To discharge a firearm while it is held near the hip, without taking time to aim via the gunsights.
To speak or act quickly based on first impressions, without carefully studying the background information, wider context, etc.