Intense study of someone or something.
Thorough inspection of a situation or a case.
A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a vote is written.
An examination by a committee of the votes given at an election, for the purpose of correcting the poll.
An examination of catechumens, in the last week of Lent, who were to receive baptism on Easter Day.
A mental image.
A wake.
The act of seeing or looking at something.
A virtual or logical table composed of the result set of a query in relational databases.
A way of understanding something, an opinion, a theory.
An individual viewing of a web page or a video etc. by a user.
Something to look at, such as scenery.
The part of a computer program which is visible to the user and can be interacted with
The range of vision.
A picture, drawn or painted; a sketch.
A point of view.
An intention or prospect.
To regard in a stated way.
To look at.