A scute.
The kneecap.
One of the two lower valves of the operculum of a barnacle.
An oblong shield made of boards or wickerwork covered with leather, with sometimes an iron rim; carried chiefly by the heavily armed infantry of the Roman army.
A shield-like protection, such as the scutum protecting the back of a hard tick (cf. alloscutum, conscutum)
A stapes.
Any piece shaped like the stirrup of a saddle, used as a support, clamp, etc.
A portable, flexible ladder-like device used in climbing.
A rope secured to a yard, with a thimble in its lower end for supporting a footrope.
A ring or hoop suspended by a rope or strap from the saddle, for a horseman's foot while mounting or riding.
Referring to women's pants/trousers: being of a form, commonly worn by women, that includes a strap beneath the arch of the foot.