To prevent from showing any visible change.
To lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.
Of prices, spending etc., to keep at the same level, without any increase.
To prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assets
Especially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.
To drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.
(of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).
To cause someone to become motionless.
To lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.
To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
To be affected by extreme cold.
(of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.
A precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.
A block on pay rises or on the hiring of new employees etc.
A period of intensely cold weather.
A halt of a regular operation.
The state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.
To prevent people or vehicles from crossing (something).
To place a seal on (a document).
To confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife.
To guarantee.
To fasten (something) so that it cannot be opened without visible damage.
To close securely to prevent leakage.
To place in a sealed container.
To tie up animals (especially cattle) in their stalls.
To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality.
To form a sacred commitment.
To hunt seals.
To place a notation of one's next move in a sealed envelope to be opened after an adjournment.
To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement or plaster, etc.
To close by means of a seal.
To fry (meat) at a high temperature to retain the juices.
An impression of such stamp on wax, paper or other material used for sealing.
A bearing representing a creature something like a walrus.
Anything that secures or authenticates.
A tight closure, secure against leakage.
Something which will be visibly damaged if a covering or container is opened, and which may or may not bear an official design.
A chakra.
A design or insignia usually associated with an organization or an official role.
Confirmation or approval, or an indication of this.
A stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance such as wax.
Something designed to prevent liquids or gases from leaking through a joint.
A pinniped (Pinnipedia), particularly an earless seal (true seal) or eared seal.