An edge or line marking an edge of the playing field.
The bounds, confines, or limits between immaterial things (such as one’s comfort zone, privacy, or professional sphere and the realm beyond).
The dividing line or location between two areas.
An event whereby the ball is struck and either touches or passes over a boundary (with or without bouncing), usually resulting in an award of 4 (four) or 6 (six) runs respectively for the batting team.
(of a set) The set of points in the closure of a set S, not belonging to the interior of that set.
A part or surface on which another part or surface rests.
An ejection seat.
The horizontal portion of a chair or other furniture designed for sitting.
A piece of furniture made for sitting; e.g. a chair, stool or bench; any improvised place for sitting.
The part of an object or individual (usually the buttocks) directly involved in sitting.
The part of a piece of clothing (usually pants or trousers) covering the buttocks.
A place in which to sit.
The starting point of a fire.
An electoral district, especially for a national legislature.
Posture, or way of sitting, on horseback.
One of a series of departmental placements given to a trainee solicitor as part of their training contract.
A membership in an organization, particularly a representative body.
The location of a governing body.
A temporary residence, such as a country home or a hunting lodge.
The place occupied by anything, or where any person, thing or quality is situated or resides; a site.
To cause to occupy a post, site, or situation; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle.
To settle; to plant with inhabitants.
To recognize the standing of a person or persons by providing them with one or more seats which would allow them to participate fully in a meeting or session.
To put a seat or bottom in.
To put an object into a place where it will rest; to fix; to set firm.
To provide with a place to sit.
To request or direct one or more persons to sit.
To assign the seats of.