A large vessel resembling a jug, usually with a handle, lid, and spout, for serving drinks such as cider or wine at a table; specifically (Christianity), such a vessel used to hold the wine for the ritual of Holy Communion.
A flagon and its contents; as much as fills such a vessel.
A shallow seggar for porcelain.
One who sets something, such as a challenge or an examination.
A function used to modify the value of some property of an object, contrasted with the getter.
The player who is responsible for setting, or passing, the ball to teammates for an attack.
A long-haired breed of gundog.
One who hunts victims for sharpers.
A typesetter.
One who adapts words to music in composition.
A game or match that lasts a certain number of sets.
To cut the dewlap (of a cow or ox), and insert a seton, so as to cause an issue.