To vary or approach something slightly, particularly in color.
To shield (someone or something) from light.
To reduce (a window) so that only its title bar is visible.
To alter slightly.
To move slightly from one's normal fielding position.
To darken, particularly in drawing.
To surpass by a narrow margin.
To throw shade, to subtly insult someone.
To shield oneself from light.
Something that blocks light, particularly in a window.
A variety of a colour/color, in particular one obtained by adding black (compare tint).
An aspect that is reminiscent of something.
A very small degree of a quantity, or variety of meaning
A ghost or specter; a spirit.
A subtle variation in a concept.
A postage stamp showing an obvious difference in colour/color to the original printing and needing a separate catalogue/catalog entry.
Subtle insults.
A candle-shade.
A cover around or above a light bulb, a lampshade.
Darkness where light, particularly sunlight, is blocked.
to change the colour of
to give a particular tone to
to utter with an affected tone.
to make (something) firmer
the one (of two)
The quality of being respectable or admirable.
The pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning, for example in Chinese.
The manner in which speech or writing is expressed.
The character of a sound, especially the timbre of an instrument or voice.
A specific pitch.
(in a Gregorian chant) A recitational melody.
The state of a living body or of any of its organs or parts in which the functions are healthy and performed with due vigor.
a gun
The shade or quality of a colour.
The favourable effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, or of colours.
The definition and firmness of a muscle or organ; see also: tonus.
(in the diatonic scale) An interval of a major second.
Normal tension or responsiveness to stimuli.
The general character, atmosphere, mood, or vibe (of a situation, place, etc.).