To break (something) into shards.
To fall apart into shards, usually as the result of impact or explosion.
To divide (an MMORPG) into several shards, or to establish a shard of one.
An instance of an MMORPG that is one of several independent and structurally identical virtual worlds, none of which has so many players as to exhaust a system's resources.
A piece of crystal methamphetamine.
A component of a sharded distributed database.
The plant chard.
A tough scale, sheath, or shell; especially an elytron of a beetle.
A piece of broken glass or pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig.
A piece of material, especially rock and similar materials, reminding of a broken piece of glass or pottery.
To strip of something.
To remove the clothing of (someone).
To remove one's clothing.
To remove one’s clothing.
To take the dressing, or covering, from.
Partial or informal dress for women, as worn in the home rather than in public.
Informal clothing for men, as opposed to formal or ceremonial wear.
Now more specifically, a state of having few or no clothes on.