To divide or break into fractions.
A ratio of two numbers (numerator and denominator), usually written one above the other and separated by a horizontal bar called the vinculum or, alternately, in sequence on the same line and separated by a solidus (diagonal bar).
A component of a mixture, separated by fractionation.
A part of a whole, especially a comparatively small part.
A small amount.
In a eucharistic service, the breaking of the host.
To divide and distribute.
To give part of what one has to somebody else to use or consume.
To tell to another.
To allow public or private sharing of computer data or space in a network
To have or use in common.
The action of sharing something with other people via social media.
The cutting blade of an agricultural machine like a plough, a cultivator or a seeding-machine.
A configuration enabling a resource to be shared over a network.
A financial instrument that shows that one owns a part of a company that provides the benefit of limited liability.
A portion of something, especially a portion given or allotted to someone.
The sharebone or pubis.