Anything about which information or data can be stored in a database; in particular, an organised array or set of individual elements or parts.
That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
The state or quality of being or existence.
An alien lifeform that has no corporeal body.
A spirit, ghost, or the like.
The existence of something considered apart from its properties.
Any collection of things bound together.
A quantity of arrows, usually twenty-four.
A bundle of arrows sufficient to fill a quiver, or the allowance of each archer.
An abstract construct in topology that associates data to the open sets of a topological space, together with well-defined restrictions from larger to smaller open sets, subject to the condition that compatible data on overlapping open sets corresponds, via the restrictions, to a unique datum on the union of the open sets.
A quantity of the stalks and ears of wheat, rye, or other grain, bound together; a bundle of grain or straw.
A sheave.
To gather and bind into a sheaf; to make into sheaves
To collect and bind cut grain, or the like; to make sheaves.