To fall apart into shards, usually as the result of impact or explosion.
To break (something) into shards.
To divide (an MMORPG) into several shards, or to establish a shard of one.
An instance of an MMORPG that is one of several independent and structurally identical virtual worlds, none of which has so many players as to exhaust a system's resources.
A piece of crystal methamphetamine.
A component of a sharded distributed database.
The plant chard.
A tough scale, sheath, or shell; especially an elytron of a beetle.
A piece of broken glass or pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig.
A piece of material, especially rock and similar materials, reminding of a broken piece of glass or pottery.
To wreck a boat through a collision or mishap.
An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.
A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.
destruction; ruin; irretrievable loss