Used to express a conditional outcome.
Will be likely to (become or do something); indicates a degree of possibility or probability that the stated thing will happen or be true in the future.
Indicates that something is expected to have happened or to be the case now.
With verbs such as 'see' or 'hear', usually in the second person, used to point out something remarkable in either a good or bad way.
To make a statement of what ought to be true, as opposed to reality.
Used to impart a tentative, conjectural or polite nuance.
Used to express what the speaker would do in another person's situation, as a means of giving a suggestion or recommendation.
Simple past tense of shall.
In questions, asks what is correct, proper, desirable, etc.
Used to issue an instruction (traditionally seen as carrying less force of authority than alternatives such as 'shall' or 'must').
Used to give advice or opinion that an action is, or would have been, beneficial or desirable.
Used to form a variant of the present subjunctive, expressing a state or action that is hypothetical, potential, mandated, etc.
Something that ought to be the case as opposed to already being the case.
To cause to cease; to put an end to.
To live; reside
To incline forward, aft, or to one side by means of stays.
To put off; defer; postpone; delay; keep back.
To brace or support with a stay or stays
To remain in a particular place, especially for a definite or short period of time; sojourn; abide.
To stop; detain; keep back; delay; hinder.
To continue to have a particular quality.
To change; tack; go about; be in stays, as a ship.
To hold out, as in a race or contest; last or persevere to the end; to show staying power.
To restrain; withhold; check; stop.
To hold the attention of.
To prop; support; sustain; hold up; steady.
To support from sinking; to sustain with strength; to satisfy in part or for the time.
To tack; put on the other tack.
Steep; ascending.
Difficult to negotiate; not easy to access; sheer.
Stiff; upright; unbending; reserved; haughty; proud.
(of a roof) Steeply pitched.
A guy, rope, or wire supporting or stabilizing a platform, such as a bridge, a pole, such as a tentpole, the mast of a derrick, or other structural element.
Continuance or a period of time spent in a place; abode for an indefinite time.
A piece of stiff material, such as plastic or whalebone, used to stiffen a piece of clothing.
A corset.
Restraint of passion; prudence; moderation; caution; steadiness; sobriety.
A fixed state; fixedness; stability; permanence.
A strong rope or wire supporting a mast, and leading from one masthead down to some other, or other part of the vessel.
The transverse piece in a chain-cable link.
A prop; a support.
A postponement, especially of an execution or other punishment.
A station or fixed anchorage for vessels.