An illustrated outline filled in with a solid color(s), usually only black, and intended to represent the shape of an object without revealing any other visual details; a similar appearance produced when the object being viewed is situated in relative darkness with brighter lighting behind it; a profile portrait in black, such as a shadow appears to be.
To represent by a silhouette; to project upon a background, so as to be like a silhouette.
The underlying shape of a solid.
The overall form or organization of something.
Underwater terrain or objects (such as a dead tree or a submerged car) that tend to attract fish
A body, such as a political party, with a cohesive purpose or outlook.
A cohesive whole built up of distinct parts.
A set along with a collection of finitary functions and relations.
Several pieces of data treated as a unit.
A set of rules defining behaviour.
To give structure to; to arrange.