Any osmeriform fish of the genus Argentina, especially European argentine (Argentina sphyraena).
A siliceous variety of calcite, or lime carbonate, having a silvery-white, pearly lustre, and a waving or curved lamellar structure.
White metal coated with silver.
Containing or resembling silver.
Argentina sphyraena (herring smelt)
Lepisma saccharina, a small wingless insect with silvery scales, a type of bristletail.
A white variety of the goldfish.
Ctenolepisma lineata (four-lined silverfish).
Ctenolepisma longicaudata (grey silverfish).
Raiamas senegalensis (silver fish).
Leptatherina presbyteroides (hardyhead, prettyfish)
Steindachnerina argentea (toothless characin)
Elops saurus (ladyfish)
Trachinotus ovatus (pompano)
Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum.
Enteromius mattozi (papermouth])
Argyrozona argyrozona (carpenter sea bream)
Callorhinchus milii (elephant shark)
Pseudocaranx dentex (white trevally)
Ulaema lefroyi (mottled mojarra)
Trichiurus lepturus (largehead hairtail)
Megalops atlanticus (Atlantic tarpon, tarpum.
Aphareus rutilans (rusty jobfish)
Labeobarbus bynni (Niger barb, barbel, Nile barb)