The result or product of being sound.
The property (of an argument) of not only being valid, but also of having true premises.
The property of a logical theory that whenever a wff is a theorem then it must also be valid. Symbolically, letting T represent a theory within logic L, this can be represented as the property that whenever T⊢𝜙 is true, then T vDash 𝜙 must also be true, for any wff φ of logic L.
The state or quality of being sound.
An instance or cause of such a feeling.
A strong feeling of anxiety.
A person who causes worry.
To harass; to irritate or distress.
To touch repeatedly, to fiddle with.
To be troubled; to give way to mental anxiety or doubt.
To seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf.
Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress.