An extra plate on the lower part of the breastplate or backplate of armour.
A kind of stomacher, often adorned with jewels, worn in the fifteenth century and later.
The woodwork and frame of the door of a closet etc.
A sheet of paper or cardboard with a written or printed announcement on one side for display in a public place.
To announce with placards.
To affix a placard to.
A segment of armour consisting of a narrow overlapping plate.
A device to immobilize a body part.
A bone found on either side of a horse's cannon bone; the second or fourth metacarpal (forelimb) or metatarsal (hindlimb) bone.
A disease affecting the splint bones, as a callosity or hard excrescence.
A dental device applied consequent to undergoing orthodontia.
A narrow strip of wood split or peeled from a larger piece.
Synonym of splent coal
To support one's abdomen with hands or a pillow before attempting to cough.
To apply a splint to; to fasten with splints.