The passage or words quoted; a quotation.
The act of citing a passage from a text, or from another person, using the exact words of the original text or speech and giving credit to the original by referencing.
A quotation with attached bibliographical details demonstrating the use of a particular lexical item in a dictionary, especially a dictionary on historical principles.
An entry in a list of sources from which information was taken, typically following a prescribed bibliographical style; a reference.
An official summons or notice given to a person to appear.
Enumeration; mention.
A reference to decided cases, or books of authority, to prove a point in law.
A commendation in recognition of some achievement, or a formal statement of an achievement.
The paper containing such summons or notice.
A unit of a poem, written or printed as a paragraph; equivalent to a verse.
An XML element which acts as basic unit of meaning in XMPP.
An apartment or division in a building.
A segment; a portion of a broadcast devoted to a particular topic.
A period; an interval into which a sporting event is divided.