An artificial intelligence researcher who believes that solutions should be elegant, clear and provably correct. Compare scruffy.
Used to signify a job well done.
Used to signify approval.
Free from contaminants; unadulterated, undiluted. Particularly of liquor and cocktails; see usage below.
Facile; missing complexity or details in the favor of convenience or simplicity.
Having a simple elegance or style; clean, trim, tidy, tasteful.
Good, excellent, desirable.
Conditions with a liquid reagent or gas performed with no standard solvent or cosolvent.
Clean, tidy; free from dirt or impurities.
Well-executed or delivered; clever, skillful, precise.
To the utmost degree; really.
Chilled (stirred or shaken over ice) and served in a cocktail glass, with no ice.
Unambiguously; bluntly; plainly and directly.
Truthfully; honestly.